Monday, September 15, 2008

Last night I dreamt of you
Felt like yesterday we were still happy together
Do I look back too often?
I’m blinded by my own ridiculous hopes
I just want to be with you

To watch you sleep once again in my arms
To be there and tell you that I care
To hold you when the world’s falling apart
That somehow, I’d have your heart

These days we’re far too near
But the distance grows painfully so
I look on with sadness, these tears
Somehow, I’m a source of your fears

I write too much history
Letting it all affect me
Here I lie missing you
Its something I’ve grown too used to.

I’m glad to have seen you and spoken to you
I know you don’t feel the same as I do
I can only hope for the best
And know that someday you’ll waltz away

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