Saturday, May 26, 2007


how can i hurt you again and again
the prince of peace
who offered the infinite sacrifice
here i am on my knees in tears in fear
please change me i need your grace

here in shame before your throne
the fire burns and i come thirsty
why should you draw me near
this close to you? despite knowing
that i'll sin again

the cross that you bear, the marks you took away
that my burden, my punishment your judgement
my heart is broken at the thought of hurting you
that on calvary my sin, my mocking voice,
the painful hammer upon those nails
that separation.

the resurrection, the tears of joy
the sackcloth flung away
i praise your great Name
and your lamb, by whom i am saved
this joy incomparable

that you left your Fathers side
so that i might live in eternity with you
what love what a wonderful friend of sinners you are
that this life may not be about me but you

captivate, quench and satisfy
come quickly, heal and renew
here i bow once again,
once again you lift me up
forgiven, in victory that you have won!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

when i call out in darkness on my knees
He knows the pain, the fatigue and feeling
oh how He cares, for a sinner like me
time and time again, He comes through for me

the deserts and the seas shall not strike fear in me
as i reside under His loving wings
and He cares! through life's ups and downs
everests and conquests
i shall not boast in anything or anyone
other than my Lord and friend
no one shall take His glory, Lord Jesus

The truth the way and the life
leading me on, giving good gifts
and calling me on
His hand holds strong
stronger than any anchor
and i wanna tell you
everything'll be ok
because He's by our side.
breathe after breathe

Thursday, May 17, 2007


as i look back on times gone by
stars we saw, bridges and ravines crossed
a God who's faithfulness brought us to our knees
when we look back, someday, today will be a memory

a love so true, so pure, made of so much
God, u and me, tears, love, passion
feelings and just being together
i am who i am today
just cause you were with me
standing making me strong

as i look back on sweet memories
it was worth it. u are worth it.
a tear or two, memories are sometimes hard to relieve.
i love u, i still do.

may eternity never be enough
i dun wanna ever forget
that in this lifetime
i was loved by you

as i look back, photos
gifts, love, cards and written memories
and hoping today will be a wonderful memory
as i look back
years years and years from now...
if a rose, a hug or kiss
could take away your pain
if only u din have to feel this way
i love u dun give up

this pain i feel, i wish ud rest well
and i cant be by ur side
it magnifies how i feel
what can i do,
i can only wait, and to pray

and not to hear your voice
i try not to wither
i wanna be by u right now
dun feel this way
look up im with you
only if physically

Monday, May 14, 2007

candlelight night

what can i say in the light of a candle
flickering and fading, signifying a passing
why cant i be there i could have should have
to offer a word, a hug a ear or two

i hope and pray Jesus will be by your side
holding your hand refreshing your soul
please feel better soon, soon, soon.

the candle goes on, in the cool of the night
shedding light on you, your beautiful face
tear streaked, it saddens may the Lord
comfort you, bless you and keep you

may He give you the peace you need
in candlelight moments like this
lighting your path, i know i know
He holds you and im glad He does

blow the light out, its time for bed
sleep tight my darling, you mean so much to me
i'd give the world and everything
just to watch you sleep, with His peace upon you
and to say i love you. and mean each word

and to see a smile on your face.

in this candlelight night, may we not be lonely
i wish we'd never cry alone, alone, alone
may He who knows our names, our past and future
speak and comfort us, in this night, this candlelight night.