Sunday, July 27, 2008

elizabeth (one year later, and i still love you)

some people say i haven't let go
some people look and say such a poor soul
through this time i've grown way too old
one year has gone by, perhaps way too slow

your name still lingers on my lips
sometimes i awake with the taste of your kiss
i wish there were better scripts
that somehow this will end in bliss

some people say i havent accepted
some people say i'm foolish to have waited
i know this time wasn't wasted
because it was on Him that i waited

liz i wish it weren't so awkward
sometimes at night my heart still hurts
liz i realise its you i miss
i wish i could skip to the ending without going through this

have feelings messed up my psyche?
maybe somethings are so plain to see
but somehow in grief i've missed
all that trasnpired in the midst

is it love or delusion?
i fail to make a proper conclusion

EJ i wish i was where you are
these places bring back more than i can take
it doesnt matter how far
or how many times my heart will break
i still want to be with you
no matter what has been said

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