Saturday, May 26, 2007


how can i hurt you again and again
the prince of peace
who offered the infinite sacrifice
here i am on my knees in tears in fear
please change me i need your grace

here in shame before your throne
the fire burns and i come thirsty
why should you draw me near
this close to you? despite knowing
that i'll sin again

the cross that you bear, the marks you took away
that my burden, my punishment your judgement
my heart is broken at the thought of hurting you
that on calvary my sin, my mocking voice,
the painful hammer upon those nails
that separation.

the resurrection, the tears of joy
the sackcloth flung away
i praise your great Name
and your lamb, by whom i am saved
this joy incomparable

that you left your Fathers side
so that i might live in eternity with you
what love what a wonderful friend of sinners you are
that this life may not be about me but you

captivate, quench and satisfy
come quickly, heal and renew
here i bow once again,
once again you lift me up
forgiven, in victory that you have won!

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