Wednesday, December 28, 2005


do you have a superhero?
im sure everyone has their idol
clad in costumes, tights and the like
or even the real in reel

oh im sure we have many names
our heros are rarely the same
celebrities or people on tv
even mommy or daddy

i know who my hero is
he's always around me
wanting the best for me
and he loves me so

you cant see him
but you can feel him
i know he's there
and he loves you too

make him your superhero!
he always beats the baddies
it dun matter where he stays
he can come into ur heart

oh, u dont knw who he is?
why he's jesus christ!
the one who chritsmas and easter
is named after

make him ur superhero
tell everyone around
cause he loves me
and loves you too

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